
meal plan {& how i get out of a food rut}

Last week I mentioned I came to the blog to see what I had been cooking the last time I was blogging because I wasn’t feeling as inspired. This actually happens at least once a month, where I just need a little push to finish a week off.

I always start my meal plan by opening up my google calendar I strictly dedicate to menu planning. Some weeks I already know what I feel like or what we have left over that needs to be used and I plug that in right away. Other weeks I actually go back a month, or a year, and see what we were eating then. I have been using this calendar since spring of 2015, so I now have years of weekly meal plans saved all in one place! I never thought how much I would really enjoy that aspect of using my Google calendar, but I would highly recommend it! It’s also fun to see what I was eating the same week a year ago, or what I was doing (preparing for my own wedding, for a Mexican vacation, pregnancy, etc).

Another thing I do is organize my Pinterest recipes into different categories (weekend dinners, healthy dinners, Paleo, sweets, etc). This makes it really easy to go to what I am planning and get inspired, or find what I need, quickly!

This week’s meal plan was half done last week and finished off Saturday before I left for the grocery store.

meal plan 1.14.19



Food · Personal

i’m back! {2019 resolutions & weekly meal plan}

So I came to my own blog today to get re-inspired by recipes.  I have still been meal planning and cooking for my family and I, but now with baby in tow I need to be faster and more efficient than ever during the week. It’s a little more difficult to keep things fun, exciting, healthy AND fast, but I’ve been managing and already finding our new groove.

What I did realize is that I loved my little space to come and share what I already do. So I am going to try again!

I, unlike many people these days, enjoy making new year’s resolutions. Sometimes they stick and sometimes they don’t, but I find it good to reflect on yourself and make some improvements, because there is always room for improvement.

My first resolution is to leave my phone in the kitchen when I get home and be in the moment with my family. We spend our evening together in the family room for the most part and that’s where I would like to fully be- mind and body.

Second is to get back to my pre-baby body. Very cliché, but I am confident I can get there. I feel good in my clothes, but I want to feel great in a swimsuit this summer. I would also like to gain back my strength which I have slowly but surely been working on and has been a longer journey than I anticipated.  The good thing is I have already been very diligent about getting to the gym, doing both weights and cardio, so I already have the foundation set for that.

Lastly, I want to do more things for me.  Whether that’s reading a book or typing up a blog, even if it’s for 10 minutes, I want to do that. I am hoping that in doing this I can be more present and overall a more positive person.

I am really excited to restart this journey. Below is what we’re cooking this week- stay tuned for photos!

meal plan 1.7.19


Food · Uncategorized

new recipe {‘pasta’ primavera}

So summer is basically gone and I have not been the best blogger.  I keep thinking of all these fun things to do and post and never following through.  So September goal #1 is to post at least once a week!

I made this veggie pasta primavera last night and it was insanely delicious, so easy and I have leftover veggies and sauce to throw in the freezer for a quick meal later in the month.

I put my spiralizer away for a few months now- it sliced my finger badly and then the grocery store started selling pre-spiraled veggies and I fell off the do it yourelf wagon- BUT I forget how easy it is for peppers and onions, it literally takes just a few seconds to spiral a whole onion.  The best part is, no burning eyes! It’s that fast!

And if you haven’t tried Kite Hill’s dairy free ricotta yet, you are totally missing out. It has a creamy texture with a salty, dairy like taste, I have NO idea how they do it.  I was shocked by the price and how little you get, but was determined to try it.  It is so good that I will definitely be going out to buy more. I bought mine at Whole Foods.

Pasta Primavera 9.1.17



Christie Marie xo

Food · Personal

life lately {& weekly menu}

I know it’s been a bit.. Life has been so hectic between summer plans, working and managing our new schedule which I hope will be over soon.  Matt has been working every other day (literally, every other day) and it’s not only been hard on him, but on me and Penelope too.  I can’t seem to grasp the concept every Monday when I’m back to work I am confused all over again.

Our life in photos lately is a lot more accurate and self explanatory.

My cousin, Bret, the Groom and Stephanie.
my soon-to-be official cousin-in-law, Stephanie, at her bridal shower.
Our little family celebrating the fourth of July on Lake Winnipesaukee.
Penelope party pooped on the boat.
Florida Georgia Line, Backstreet Boys & NELLY at Fenway Park. Nelly was so thankful to be there and it melted my heart.
Got in a beach day with my non existent summer husband!
Our new favorite summer Sunday dinner- anything surf & turf!
My Salve Regina college roommate had a baby, meet Brooke Alissa.
Penelope with her 7 month old Uncle Murph.  He is absolutely in love with her and he gives her a huge run for her money.
We went back to the spot on Block Island where Matt proposed 3 years ago this August. It was so special to see it all again and really take it in this time!
A little late engagement selfie.
A Charlie O’s stuffie! I love these things, especially after being on the beach all day.
My dear friend, Kathryn, is having a BOY!

Life has been so good lately. I can’t even believe we are at the end of July and summer is on the back end. I am heading to Newburyport this weekend for my college besties’ 30th birthday celebration and I cant wait to share all the details next week.

I put together a quick menu for you guys finally this week. The theme of this summer has been quick, easy and as healthy as possible when I can- since stuffies seem to be my weekend treat of choice. Hope you guys enjoy and have a wonderful safe weekend.

Weekly Menu 7.30.17

Christie Marie xo


preparing for a long weekend {weekly menu}

This coming weekend my family and I are celebrating the fourth of July up at Lake Winnipesaukee.  This week I am focusing on eating clean, no treats and no added cheese, simple carbs or fun, since I will have plenty of all of that next weekend.

I also wanted to make sure I leave enough time each night to pack, do some errands and also put together a few dishes to bring up with me on Friday night, so you will see a lot of leftover eating. Less time in the kitchen, more time getting things done.

This weekend was full of love celebrating my cousin-in-law to be all weekend. Work today isn’t as much of a struggle as anticipated, but certainly no cake walk getting back into the swing of things.

Weekly Menu 6.25.17

Hope everyone had a great weekend.

Christie Marie xo


new recipe {crock pot mexican pulled pork bowls}

You already know I’m a fan of healthy, fast & easy meals.  What you may not realize just yet is Mexican is my favorite food group {chips, cheese, margs, guac, must I go on?). If you don’t like it, you probably won’t like me. Ole!

With summer weather comin’ in hot, literally, very humid hot, bowls, salads, not slaving over the stove meals are our current obsession.  This bowl is an old favorite that I usually have with mango salsa which pairs AMAZING with the hot and spicy meat.  Didn’t have time for that this week, but I highly recommend.

mexican pulled pork.jpg

When I cut my lettuce I leave it in the salad spinner with a paper towel between the two layers.  This keeps the lettuce fresh for extra long. AKA, this lettuce is from last weeks recipe. I don’t think I’m alone in that I hate throwing any food away.

Let me know what you think of this bowl! This is our favorite crock pot pork to have. You can use it on salad, in tacos or sandwiches, very versatile. Also- feel free to amp up the Cayenne, I’m a wimp.

Crock Pot Pulled Pork Bowl 6.23.17



Christie Marie xo

Food · Personal

what we did this weekend {and a weekly menu}


Another weekend in June has passed. HOW!? And what is up with this weather? I hope July brings normal summer weather.

The weekend started early for us. Penelope and I helped move my brother into his new apartment on Friday. She had gone to camp in the morning so she had a very eventful day! Excuse the poor quality photo and lack of living room furniture.p-at-apt-e1497901476720.jpgWe didn’t finish and stop until about 8:30, at that point we were starving so we dropped Penelope off at my parents house and had sushi in my hometown.  For rural Massachusetts, this sushi is seriously unreal.sushi-dinner.jpgSaturday we got an early start back to RI and woke Matt up in time to head out for breakfast.  Since we haven’t been seeing all too much of each other this is our new usual, but hopefully not for long! Though there’s nothing quite like someone else making your eggs. We got a lot of our weekend stuff out of the way before heading out to meet up with some friends for dinner and drinks. I was hesitant about trying a new place on a whim, but it ended up being so awesome. Anyone been to the Thirsty Beaver in Cranston? The outside didn’t make it look like much, but the food was insane. I chose a salad instead of my fries and it was so crisp and fresh I was so happy I got it! The reuben was literally the best I ever had. I was full after half and would have been content even just eating the meat, it was that good.saturday dinner

Sunday went a little hay wire, Penelope woke me up at 5:30 am sick.  Poor thing could not stop throwing up. I banged out my morning errands and hung out with her until I had to leave for a surprise birthday/Father’s Day party in the North End of Boston. Matt was working so leaving Penelope was the saddest thing and I hated that she was going to be alone. But by the time I left she had stopped throwing up and just wanted to sleep.

You really can’t eat anywhere bad in the North End, but we went to one of our all time favorites, Pagluica’s. If you have never been there, do yourself a favor and go. The food is so amazing and a cute little old man was even walking around playing Italian songs on an accordion.

Looking forward to cleaning myself of all the food and alcohol this week.  Focusing on a clean week and luckily my menu already depicted that for me and I don’t have to make any adjustments.

Weekly Menu 6.18.17

Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend celebrating their Dad’s, mom’s who act as both Mom & Dad and of course fur Dad’s too, like our beloved Matteo!  Have a wonderful week!

Christie Marie xo


quick & healthy weeknight meal {chicken sausage burrito bowl}

On the menu for this week I had Veggie burrito bowl, however, when I went to see what my macros were when I got home for dinner, my protein was really low for the day. I replaced my intended taco spiced black beans with chicken sausage we already had. Don’t mind that my “bowl” is actually too big to fit in the bowls we have so I actually had to make it a plate..


We always keep Al Fresco chicken sausage on hand and this week I  happened to have spicy jalapeno chicken sausage.  The jalapeno gave it the extra kick both Matt and I love!

This came together so fast thanks to all the pre-made sides. You can obviously make them from scratch, but this is such a life saver for me mid week. I would much rather spend that time with our little family instead of cooking.  Enjoy the recipe, let me know what you think!

Chicken Sausage Burrito Bowl 6.14.17.jpg

Food · Personal

what we did this weekend {and a late weekly menu}

So cliche, but Monday comes way too fast.  Someone really needs to work on making the work week 4 days and the weekend 3. I SWEAR I would be productive on that one extra day!

We had a very busy weekend and the weather finally cooperated. It was so nice to see the sun and not have to warm up my car before I got in it.

Friday night I was able to leave work an hour early for a dinner date with Matt. We scooted to the city to go to one of our favorite Mexican restaurants, Tortilla Flats. It did not disappoint. Since we ate dinner so early we decided to stay in town and grab a dessert drink al fresco on Thayer street.

Saturday I got an unintentional early start at 5:30 am thanks to Penelope. Good news is I was done with my grocery shop, morning coffee and outdoor run by 10. Matt was working all day and I texted some friends to see if P and I could visit them and their new puppy, Goose.  On our way up we grabbed the newest Ruggiero some treats and a toy and spent the afternoon relaxing in the sun while the puppies wrestled between nap breaks.


Saturday night I happily made myself a random concoction from the pantry and fridge and had dinner on the porch with P {she actually was passed out from her play date} and listened to music and enjoyed the rest of the day.

Sunday I had no idea what the day was going to bring.  Matt was overwhelmed with options so we started our day with going out to breakfast to sort out all plan options. From breakfast we decided we were going to take on the Roger Williams Zoo.  We were the only people there without kids, but we could have cared less. IMG_6701

Then we were back at square one with nothing to do at about 11 AM.  We accidentally stumbled upon the Providence Flea Market. It was terrible to say the least if I’m being honest.  There was maybe one stand with useful things and they were hand painted signs I don’t need right now, but they were beautiful and the girl was painting them right there as well which was a nice touch.

We realized the only thing left to do was grab an appetizer and a drink and sit outside, so we did exactly that. We love going to Hemmenway’s for dinner and they also have outdoor seating when the weather permits {and they let you dine with your pups outside as well!}. We got some raw bar, since we weren’t starving yet and I got a delicious seasonal blackberry cocktail.IMG_6700

We went home to be with Penelope after and took naps.  The weekend felt over at that point, meal prepping and getting ready for the week ensued.  We did have a burger bar for dinner which was so delicious, P agreed.IMG_6699

Now I just have to make it to Friday and hopefully the forecast changes to something a little more appropriate for mid June. Focusing this week on pushing myself during my workouts. I did have a mini personal triumph this weekend.  On Saturday morning I went for a “slow jog”.  These slow jogs ended up  being about 12 minute miles on my worst days. On Saturday they were under 10 minutes! I was so happy with myself that my new slow is my old fast! We can ignore the fact I nearly died when I got home because it was so hot out and had to lay on the kitchen floor.

Also focusing this week on clean eating.  feeling like I need a good week to kick start myself back up. Menu for this week is below.

Weekly Menu 6.11.17

Hope everyone has a wonderful week! I promise I am trying to get better at documenting my days and weekend.  I won’t let Matt touch his food without a photo, he caught on quick!

Christie Marie xo


cauliflower pizza crust {& some other trader joe’s finds}

I finally stumbled upon the Trader Joe’s cauliflower pizza crust as you might know by now.  I was really looking forward to trying it and totally opted to have that instead of my usual solo Sunday night take out.

First of all, if you do make this, read the instructions first. I messed up on step one and immediately knew when I went to flip the crust to brown the other side.  Put the crust on a greased cookie sheet.  I went with a pizza stone thinking it would crisp it. Very wrong. It kinda got stuck, but I also semi saved it before it was too far gone {just lost a few chunks}.image1.jpg

I was really anxious to try it, I did cook the length of the directions, but next time would cook it even more. I do tend to like things “burnt” and extra crispy. You COULD pick up the pizza and eat it with your hands, but it was pretty floppy.

Taste wise it was more on the bland side, I plan on maybe a sprinkle of Parmesan after I flip it next time, still low carb right? Though I’m not sure what I was expecting!

Will definitely buy again and try all the above and I think it will be perfect.

I also found a few more things from Trader Joe’s I wanted to try during my trip. I’m a sucker for anything “Everything ” flavored. There are now Bite Size Everything Crackers. Would be so good with hummus or cheese!img_6424.jpg

I have a bad habit of perusing the treats at Trader Joe’s. I stumbled upon dairy free mini vanilla sandwiches! Smaller versions of my beloved ice cream sandwiches. Perfect for a small after dinner treat.IMG_6423

Lastly, I found Veggie Kabobs mixed in with the fresh veggies! They are pre-skewered and ready to grill or bake or whatever you wish. I know it’s really lazy, but anything that saves me time, I’m into.

img_6596.jpgSo happy the sun is finally shining and very much looking forward to enjoying the weather this weekend.

The weekly menu will be up tomorrow!

Christie Marie xo